Saturday, January 21, 2012

No 1 on Billboard Charts!

This is a little late in coming, but ....

I am thrilled to announce that "Messiah in America" ( has debuted at #1 on Billboard's Traditional Classical charts.  This is the CD that my organization (EVMCO) recorded this past summer in Salt Lake City.

A couple newspapers have printed articles on our accomplishments:

Mormon Choral relase debuts No. 1 on Billboard Classical Traditional chart

Mesa-based Mormon choir tops Billboard charts

"Messiah in America" is available through iTunes, Amazon or the Messiah in America website.  If you have a child between the ages of 4-18 years old who would like to participate in EVMCO, you have two more days to register them for this semester.  The theme for our next concert is Classical to Broadway.  I've already heard some little voices in my house singing Mozart, Bach, Sound of Music selections, etc.  It should be very educational and tons of fun!


Thanks for stopping by today!!