Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Potato Chip Tortilla - French Fridays with Dorie

This post is long overdue!  I made my potato chip tortilla & took my photos several days before the recipe was "due", but I'm finally getting around to posting my results nearly a month late ... December was a busy, crazy month!  In fact, there were some December recipes that I was really looking forward to trying, but I never got around to them, so I'll have to go back & do some make-up cooking.

This recipe was quick & easy and the only item I had to make a special trip to the grocery store for was the potato chips.  This tortilla is something I think I'd enjoy more during the breakfast hours (I made it  for dinner) & my only complaint was that I wished the potato chips were more crunchy.  Maybe I'll try adding them later next time.  I used cilantro in my tortilla because that's what I had in my fridge & for whatever reason it sounded better to me than the basil that's trying to grow on my back patio.

To see the results of other fearless Dorista cooks, please go HERE.


  1. This looks great...We enjoyed this served as an appetizer. It was delicious! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  2. Cilantro was definitely the better choice!
    It looks like it came out beautifully.

  3. Another one that I'm behind on...I think you did way better on your cooking assignments for December than I did...I'll be catching up for a couple of months at my rate these days. THis looks tasty, I have the ingredients, I just need to get it done. You are inspiring me.


Thanks for stopping by today!!