Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stump de Noel - Baked Sunday Mornings

I didn't have the greatest luck with my first Baked recipe for the year 2012.  Maybe I tried to change too many things. Maybe I had too many distractions.  Maybe my oven temperature is off.  Maybe I let things sit too long in between steps.  Maybe I don't have the correct size of pans. I don't know, but it just didn't work.

Before I started my Stump de Noel, I checked out recipes in other cookbooks that I own.  The biggest difference I saw was that most of the sponge cakes were not a chocolate cake, so I definitely wanted to go for the chocolate Baked version.  I wasn't up for making all the mushrooms, cranberries, leaves, and varieties of frosting cause I'm not really a frosting girl & I didn't have time for all the extras.  I just wanted to try the cake and see how it all worked-out & tasted.

I worked on the cake for several hours (with distractions) Sunday night.  WOW!  This cake recipe was definitely the most time consuming cake recipe I've ever made.  It seemed like every single ingredient had it's own special instructions and steps before it could be added to the bowl.  I baked my cakes for 18 minutes, as instructed, and then let them cool overnight.  Monday afternoon I was ready to assemble my cakes with Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream instead of all the frostings.  I spread the softened ice creams on my cakes and then began to "roll" my cakes into stumps except they didn't roll at all!  They stayed flat, totally broke, & I ended up with a big, ugly mess after my attempts to make a stump out of the first sheet cake.  I decided there was no point in ruining the 2nd cake, so I cut it into 8 equal squares and layered my ice cream cakes 4 layers high ... much prettier.

We enjoyed a fun Monday night treat of ice cream cake.  It was delicious and of course no one cared that the cake was flat instead of rolled.

Last night I was relaxing in bed & reading a new chocolate cookbook my dad got me for my birthday.  I came across a recipe for a Stump de Noel with lots of chocolate that said to roll the cakes while they are still warm....  Don't know if I'm up for a re-do.


  1. good job saving this cake! i agree, way to0 time consuming to ruin! your ice cream cake looks delicious!

  2. Super pretty. I found that nothing took a particularly long time, except for the cake with its 94 steps. :) I'm definitely going to use this buttercream recipe again, though - it's not complicated and is pretty outstanding.

  3. This looks so decadent...I know I would love it! I really have to get back to Baked Sunday Mornings...I'm missing so many great baked goods.


Thanks for stopping by today!!