Friday, May 4, 2012

Almond Tilapia Meuniere - French Fridays with Dorie

I've been MIA with my Dorie recipes recently.  My family participated in two concerts here during the month of April which meant lots of extra practicing & rehearsals.  And then I went to California to play in two concerts over there.  The whole family tagged along, so we ended up making a little vacation out of our trip, but that means packing, unpacking, cleaning the car, etc and not a lot of extra's like new recipes this past month.

Wednesday, Hubby had the day off work.  We got the house cleaned up, ran some errands, celebrated my mom's birthday, and had a nice day together as a family.  Thursday he didn't have to leave for work until around 1:00pm, so that gave us the morning to tackle a couple more jobs and then set-out to find some ingredients for this week's FFWD recipe.  We stopped at a couple stores, but didn't find flounder, so we opted for the frozen tilapia at Sam's Club ... I'm more of a tilapia girl anyways, so I was excited.

While hubby played toys with the kids, I made our family a nicer-than-normal lunch ... the kids & I usually eat leftovers. :)

I made some almond flour in my beloved Vitamix ....



In addition to almond flour, I used a little flour and some lemon zest to coat one side of my tilapia.  Lemon with seafood is one of my favorite combinations.  

I've never used melted butter to cook my fish before, so this was new and it turned out great!! 

We ALL had seconds and I served the fish with steamed broccoli like Dorie suggested.  I will definitely make this again!  Delicious & healthy meal.


  1. SO good, wasn't this??? Yours looks perfectly done :)

  2. looks great! I love a great lunch in the afternoon when it doesnt usually work out to be as nice!! oh and totally jealous of your vitamix!!

  3. Surprising simple and delicious!

  4. I agree with Lizzy, this looks perfect...good healthy food. Dad really liked this one...wants it more.

  5. Very lovely & ditto on Vitamix jealousy :-)

  6. I could use the idea of adding almond flour to one of my recipes too. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your almond tilapia looks perfectly delicious! So glad you all enjoyed it! Have a great weekend!

    My daughter has a Vitamix and she adores it!

  8. That fish looks really good! And I am jealous of your vitamix. I am still working on the husband to get me one.

  9. I need a vitamix! The fish looks yummy!

  10. Your fish looks good but I envy you your vitamix!

  11. Wow! I'm amazed what your Vitamix did to those almonds. What a lovely lunch! I never have time for a home-cooked lunch. The best I ever do for a hot lunch is microwaved home-made leftovers, but I don't think it compares.


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