Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ice Skating Class

The Easter Bunny brought my three kiddies "coupons" for 5 ice skating classes during the month of May.  This evening was their first class.  From my point of view, it was one of the funniest & most enjoyable things I've watched in a long time!!

Penguin has been ice skating with friends a couple of times this year, so she went off with her "older" class & did her own thing ....

Peacock was a bit apprehensive but she had a good time.  I expected her to be a bit grumpy about trying something new with all new people around her, but there was no grumbling or clinging to my leg.  I was proud of her!

Turkey was hil-ar-EEE-ous!!  He had me and lots of other watching parents laughing out loud.  The poor kid spent 95% of his lesson on his bum or knees sliding all over the place and trying to figure out how to even stay on his feet.  Through it all he keep chatting away, trying to help other children, and he had a constant smile on his face.  I think because he was so happy, he was kind of left to his own defenses out on the ice, but by the last 5-10 minutes, he was staying on his feet, starting to push out with his feet, & moving a little bit. He did great & he's begging to go back.


  1. I'm smiling post and great family activity. Still thinking about the yum dinner, brownies, toppings, etc...nice time...thanks again!

  2. Glad that kids had fun. This is what makes people around them happy too.


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