Thursday, January 31, 2013

Young Women Christmas Extravaganza

**UPDATE: Hot Chocolate Bar Printables can be found HERE.

**UPDATE: Inn Crowd/Stable Few gift/printables are now available HERE.

We, the YW Presidency, wanted to do something special for the Young Women (12-18 yr old girls that attend church with my family) of our ward for Christmas, so we planned a progressive dinner for the girls which affectionately became known as the Christmas Extravaganza!

I made invites:

We started our evening in the backyard of one of our girls.  I was in charge of the hot chocolate bar.  {Someday when I have a minute, I'll share my printables & more details.}  The girls made yummy mugs of hot chocolate, the Grinch made a visit, & the girls enjoyed a reading of How the Grinch Stole Christmas around the fire pit.

After our tummies were warm with hot chocolate, we paraded next door to the home of two other girls for dinner, a visit from Santa, & a reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Our last stop was the home of a leader where the three wise men read a story to the girls, we enjoyed a variety of desserts, and had a little gift for the girls ... free printable for that to come too.


  1. That looks amazing! I love the gifts, what a cool saying. I hope my girls have leaders like you. It is crazy how shocked I was to see the number of YW at the activity. It's about the same number of people in our entire branch a year ago.

  2. Awesome idea. I have done progressive dinners before, but I love the theme and teaching moment for youth!

  3. Thanks for sharing your ideas and talents!! Do you by chance have a copy of the wiseman story they read? I would love to do something similar with my YW this December! Thanks so much!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oops, I'm having technical difficulties. What story did the wise men read?

  5. What story did the wise men read?

  6. I am not sure what story was used by the three wise men. I know it wasn't the traditional Bible story. I'd say your best bet is to Google "Three Wise men Story" or something like that & find something you like.

  7. Hi, I just found this cute, cute idea!! I love it!! I am wondering if you have the printable for the wood blocks? Did you have them made out of vinyl or did you modge podge them on? I know it's been almost a year since you posted this, I hope you can get back to me:)

    1. Hi Diana,

      We printed the JPEG design as photos & then used modge podge. Hope that helps!


Thanks for stopping by today!!